We Wordle 32


And a very good morning to you all!

It’s Thursday, and it’s time to squeeze some words out of last week’s prompt “Text, Subtext and Hypertext”.

This is a three-parter, but fear not; it’s easy. Part one is a list of words taken from poems written to Irene’s prompt from last week. Part two is the addition of three extra words that are near-rhymes (frost, soft, dust). Part three is mention a child’s game in your poem.

As always, this prompt is meant for inspiration, so if the words stir other words to the front feel free to use those. All variations of the words are allowed (past tense, present tense, etc). You are also not required to use all the words, but you certainly may if you wish.

I hope you have fun with this week’s wordle, and when you’ve written your poem either post it to your blog leaving a link in the comment field so we can find your creation … or post your poem here in the comment field if you don’t have a blog.


Jules: toy
Debi: life
Misky: puff
Barbara: fairies
Viv: song
Irene: fly
Roslyn: lost
Christopher: door

Three bonus words: frost, soft, dust
The twist: Include the mention of a child’s game in your poem


~ Misky


We Wordle 30


We Wordle Prompt 30

Top of the morning to you all! I’m back with another wordle, words squeezed out of Irene’s prompt 224 “Reprise”. We have eight words to play with (Oh! “PLAY” – there’s that word again! Do remember to submit your poems that fit the theme ‘Play’ for Red Wolf Journal’s Winter Issue 4. Submissions are open until mid-December.) .

Here are the eight words:

 candle, wine, silver, shallow, letter, demands, fireplace, slack

 And we have TWO twists this week:

Take these five extra words that rhyme, and include them in any way you wish in your poem. Use them for internal rhymes or end-line rhymes.

 elaborate, tolerate, perforate, incinerate, exasperate

 Write your poem in the Present Simple Tense. Here’s a link for a definition and a game to play, if you wish.


 I very much look forward to reading your creative pieces. Please post your poem to your blog, and then return here and post the URL address/link in the comments fields below so we can ALL pop by for a read and leave a comment.

Have fun. See you soon!



We Wordle 29


We Wordle prompt 29

Welcome to old friends and new friends, poets all. This wordley prompt is sourced from Barbara’s Gilligan Island prompt of last week. We have seven words extracted like gems from your poems. Use one, use two, use all – it’s your call. And here’s Twist 1 …

We are all poets here, but we are also people with other interests. I hope. If you have no other interests, make one up. Maybe quilting, sewing, cooking, baking, painting, drawing, knitting, gardening, animals, bird watching, sports, golf, football, skiing, carpentry, travel, photography, puzzles, hiking, crafts, … write a poem in which one of your interests (other than writing) becomes the secondary subject in your poem, a prop, a brief mention, as if it’s just a fleeting image in your peripheral thought. Like you’re taking your dog for a walk along stream, autumn leaves falling, musty smells, the dog is soaking wet, smelling like a soaked beaver and jumping in the water …. and somewhere in your poem (if you’re a bird watcher) you notice seagulls circling in the sky.

Twist 2: Then we’ll all try to guess what your interest/hobby is. So don’t make it totally obvious. Don’t just blurt out “I love bird watching!”

And of course, use a few/all of these sweet jammy words below. Happy writing, and leave a link here so we can find your poem posted on your blog.

And lastly, please take note: Red Wolf Journal is still looking for poetry and flashfiction submissions for the Winter Issue. Submissions are open until mid-December. Please send us your work! Details are at http://redwolfjournal.wordpress.com/2014/10/10/winter-2014-15-issue-4/


Jules’s clean
Misky’s waves
Hannah’s origami
Irene’s rock
Barbara’s blurred
Fred Herring’s pajamas
Sara’s painted

We Wordle 24


Here’s another round of wickedly wily words for your pleasure … or frustration, in which case peruse the words and only use those that make your ink flow. These words are plucked from last week’s poetic prompt #218 “Time Travel”.

And Mr Linky has joined us, so rather than posting your link in the Comments field, please use Mr Linky to direct us to your poem. You may, of course, leave a comment and say hello if you wish!

The words and contributors are shown below:

Happy Notes: life doubt swings
Misky: legs stood crashing
Debi: fight mushroom fiery
Viv: sturdy stern strokes
Ron: nose found ear
Nicole: low asylum dust
Barbara: luxury alley chills
Irene: fishnet glassy rang
Roslyn: frayed wings clasped
Sabra: water roots froze
Jules: soap salt bread
Miss Stacy: turn white soap
Hannah: crisp air gone
C.C.  proud great claim
PuffOfSmoke: miles face mirror
Anya: fence drapes paper



Have fun, enjoy, and happy writing!

~ Misky


We Wordle #22


We Wordle #22

Yousei created a recipe for fun with her prompt 216, Cooking Poetry. I hope that it stirred everyone’s muse. Selected from the poems of her prompt, here are this week’s wordle words.

As always, there are no rules to follow. Choose one word, choose all, and let your imagination fly. Post your poem to your blog with a link back to your creation in the comment field below, or post your poem here, if you haven’t a blog. Enjoy this week’s words!

Yousei: rabbit almond color
Irene: first grass steps
Debi: charmed dress sip
Viv: soaked dreams days
Misky: chop spring stars
Barbara: toasted belly sparks
Raoul: bake mark deep
Roslyn: bubbled broth steaming


~ Misky


We Wordle #18



This week’s wordle is fashioned from Yousei’s Prompt 212 “Polishing Silver” – three words from each poet’s contribution. I reckon everyone knows the drill: 1. You needn’t use all the wordsbut you may if you wish, and 2. Post your work on your blog or post it below as a comment, and 3. Post a link to your poem so we may all read it and comment on your superb creation.

Here are the words, and bonne chance!

Bastet: eye camel living
Barbara: resinous crushed driving
Rick: sky sleep trees
Viv: idleness hope hold
Debi: shivers tight fragile
Hannah: truth knows words
Christopher: ditch kiss tea
Jules: sit cup cloth
Irene: dark hole door
Misky: apple stains thin
Yousei: stir foam dawn

I’m looking forward to reading all of your creations!


~ Misky